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DEI Statement Open Forum

02/21/2023 at 6:00PM - 7:00PM EST
Location: Monahan Academic Commons

This year LI's Board of Trustees will vote on whether or not to adopt the Diversity, Equity, and Inclusion (DEI) Statement found below. This vote will be the culmination of two years of work led by LI's faculty and staff who worked to create the statement and voted to send it to the Board for adoption.

I want to invite members of the LI community to lend their perspectives on this statement at two open forum meetings: one on 2/21 and the other, 4/6. We all, faculty, staff, parents, students, and community members, are LI, and all perspectives deserve to be heard. I invite you to join me in the MAC on campus from 6-7 pm on either of these nights. I'll be there to answer questions, and someone will take notes and pass the feedback onto the Board to consider before the vote. Thank you.

Dr. Brian Bloomfield

Proposed LI DEI Statement

Lyndon Institute's Mission, Vision, and Values provide our school with a foundation on which we may build an even stronger and more supportive community. Central to our Mission, LI is committed to providing an educational, living and working environment that is welcoming, respectful, and inclusive of all members of our community, honoring diversity of race, ethnicity, national origin, physical ability, religion, sexual orientation, and socioeconomic status. In support of that Vision, we will continue to speak up for respect, responsibility, empathy, integrity, and courage and speak out against hate, oppression, and violence. We do not support discrimination, racism or bigotry of any form. We recognize that everyone has implicit bias. We believe that it is our role as an educational institution to acknowledge our own biases in order to increase understanding and work towards creating an environment that is tolerant, accepting, and empowering. We value the contributions of every community member, believing that the diversity of our school population makes our community exponentially stronger.