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NEK Career Fair Employer Registration Deadline


This April 18th from 10:00 a.m. to 1:00 p.m. at the Fenton Chester Arena, with help from a grant through the Vermont Community Foundation’s NEK Fund, Lyndon Institute plans on offering a career and apprenticeship fair, the first of its kind in Vermont’s Northeast Kingdom.

Like much of the country, Vermont is experiencing a shortage of workers in certain labor sectors. And while schools like Lyndon Institute and other high schools that sponsor tech centers are producing students with marketable skills who are well-prepared to enter the workforce and contribute to the economic vitality of the region, it is often difficult to connect them directly with potential employers and local resources that can help them earn a livable wage.

It is our hope that by having a more interactive experience, students will be able to network with area employers eager for skilled workers and make those important connections. This fair will provide an opportunity for students to learn about area training programs or other local programs for those who want to stay and put down roots in our community. This is also an opportunity to connect students with businesses who have summer employment opportunities. Summer jobs are important chances for students to build their resumes, enhance their college applications, gain firsthand knowledge about what it takes to be an employee, or even explore possible future careers.

Businesses and community organizations who are interested in participating are encouraged to fill out the registration form or contact Lyndon Institute’s Work Based Learning Coordinator, Michelle Parson, at [email protected] for more information. 

Employer registration will close on March 24th. 
Employer Registration